Tuesday, August 9, 2011

...and so it BEGINS!

The countdown has officially begun!  I have exactly 30 more days until I move to Paris and I couldn't be happier!  Before today, I was way too lazy to keep track plus a 30 day countdown is easier to mentally cope with than a 75 day countdown!

(I made a countdown calendar and stuck it to my wall as a reminder to myself and everyone else!)

To be honest, I do hope these last 30 days don't go by tooo quickly because there is still a lot that most be attended to before I board the plane, one of which is going head-to-head with all five of my lenders (we'll see how that goes).  Plus there are shopping trips that must be made, weddings and baby showers to attend and many many many goodbyes.

random tidbit....
So after a fantastic workout at the gym, a thought came to me as I was washing off the gallon of sweat I had accumulated, I have decided to add a couple of new featured posts to my blog.  Because I really want to force myself to take this blog seriously (step 1: makeover, check!) I need to spice things up and increase my viewings.  More details are to follow, but within the next 30 days you will see some "featured posts" relating to things that I am either passionate about or interest me.  They may or may not directly correlate with travel but this blog is a hodgepodge of things that I like.......so stay tuned!


  1. Hey, I randomly clicked on the link to your blog in the Assistants in France forum and I'm definitely going to follow your blog, because I'm curious to know what it's like to be an assistant, since I'm going to try to be one next year! Haha I have a lot of random questions I'd like to ask you if you don't mind emailing me. purdyee2@gmail.com

    Thanks! :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Erika!! And thanks for following, there's plenty more exciting things to come. I'll be sure to send you an email ASAP!

  3. Auugh lenders, student loans... as I'll be living in a smaller city for cheap at the school, I think I'll try to keep making payments on mine. I love your countdown calendar! Haha, maybe I'll make a paper chain.

  4. Ok I'm jealous of your calander.

  5. Packing is non-existent! I'm still scrabbling to tie some last minute loose ends. I plan to start packing after my last day of work Aug 29th.
