Saturday, January 1, 2011

J'ai fini!!!


Today, about 6 hours ago, I submitted my application for TAPIF.  I can't believe I actually did it! I had been doubting myself and totally pschyed myself out into writing the essay completely last minute, but I did it.  I am actually in the running to be in France for 7-9 months.  Now of course I get to play the waiting game until April when I find out whether or not they even accepted me, but even with this I can't help but feel optimistic about 2011.  This application was more than just an application, it was an self-acknowledgment that if I truly wanted something, I could go after it, no matter what anyone says.  Doing this program may be one of the most frivolous things I will ever do that has absolutely nothing to do with my future in medicine, but at least it will bring into fruition a dream of mine to GO, be the pretty bird my parents named me and fly away.

As for the logistics of the application, for me the most challenging part, other than the dreaded essay, was deciding where I wanted to go.  I knew from day one that I DID NOT want to be in Paris.  I mean, yes, Paris is lovely and does have a certain je ne sais quoi, but I think it's such an overrated city in France with enough snobbery to last a millennia.  So I decided that I wanted to see the other side of France and focused on the south. I really really really want to be in Toulouse.  After doing alot of research on the city I fell in love with the city, its culture and student population.  Here are my top three choices:

1.) Toulouse (fingers, arms and legs crossed for this one!)
2.) Montpellier (BEAUTIFUL city really close to Spain and Italy)
3.) Paris (ehhh, why not?) I ended up putting Paris as a 3rd choice, not because I'm a hypocrite, but Paris is a great city and its the only region where you are guaranteed to be in a city, for all I know they could throw me into the boondocks of southern France far far away from civilization with a population over the age of 45, so just in case, I put Paris.

But to be honest I like my choices and would be extremely satisfied with either one.

Bonne Année!


  1. Hi! I'm Jessica. I was just browsing blogs and came across yours. What caught my attention was your application to teach in France. Congrats! My friend just submitted an application last month. It might be the same program as you. Hers is a 7-9 month program where she gets her results in April as well. I am into French culture too and would love to teach in France but I forgot all of my french once I started learning Italian lol. Anyways, mind if I follow you? Feel free to stop by my blog sometime!


  2. Hey! I didn't know if I should respond back to you on my blog or yours haha. Anyways, 1. I am so happy to meet someone (a black girl) that loves AIR too! That's amazing! You are definetly the first I've met thus far! And 2. I'm pretty sure you and my friend applied for the same program. She only requested 2 locations and they were Montpellier and Aix-en-Provence. I'm not too sure about Aix though. I may be confusing that with something else. I genuinely hope you both get the job!

  3. Hey, congratulations on submitting your application. I pretty much waited until the last minute as well... it's just one of those things, you know?

    Yes, picking a location is one of the most difficult parts because you know that will determine your experience. Sounds like you had some good logic; hope everything works out for you. I know I personally went for smaller regions (more chances of being placed close to the city) on the eastern border of France so I could travel (I had previously lived in the West). It worked out for me, so I am hoping that it works out for you!!

  4. Congrats on finishing your application! Now you just have to wait (easier said than done!)

    I found my place on, it's a pretty good site, at least for my area. Housing is tricky because you want to see the place in person, yet you don't want to be homeless. It's an adventure.

    Bonne chance!
